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Matthew Jones-Rhoades

Associate Professor of Biology; Chair of Biochemistry

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401-4999



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

B.A., B.S., Minor

How We Work

  1. Our field is always evolving. Biochemistry is an interdisciplinary program at the intersection of chemistry, biology, neuroscience, and environmental science. The liberal arts curriculum at Knox gives you the freedom to take advantage of the multidisciplinary nature of our field through a bachelor of arts degree. Or, get more exposure to all of the different sub-disciplines in biochemistry through a bachelor of science degree. As you zero in on your interests, you'll be able to work with cooperating faculty from other departments and connect their expertise to your biochemistry major.
  2. We learn in the lab. In the unique undergraduate course Biochemical Methods, you'll get hands-on experience with modern techniques and instrumentation. But you won't stop there. Almost every class you take will have a significant laboratory component. Each of these courses will expose you to different biochemical techniques and new instrumentation, and you'll graduate with an extensive range of lab experience.
  3. Our faculty have a wide range of research interests. You might take Molecular Medicine with Janet Kirkley, Proteins and Enzymes with Andrew Mehl, or Developmental Biology with Judith Thorn. In their ongoing research projects, all of our faculty incorporate data and results generated by students. With their breadth of interests, you'll have the opportunity to participate in unique research experiences. Some students even co-author faculty publications, like John Cusimono '13 and Stefan Feer '12, who worked with Professor Andrew Mehl on "Hydrogel Biopolymer Created from the Self-Assembly of a Designed Protein Containing a Four Helix Bundle Forming Motif."
  4. We give you the reins. In your senior year, you'll develop a research proposal that connects to a professor's current work. Your faculty mentor will provide guidance and support, but you'll be responsible for conducting the research and producing a final report. This control and independence gives you a taste of the type of work you'll be doing after Knox. For a more in-depth experience, you might even choose to complete an Honors Project.
  5. We use cutting-edge instrumentation. You'll be using our equipment every day in your classrooms and labs, so we make sure it's state-of-the-art. You'll also have access to these instruments and equipment for your own research. When you leave Knox, you'll be confident working with the instruments used in professional laboratories and top-tier graduate programs.


Estimated Salary of Alumni with Biochemistry Degrees

Where we work

The biochemistry program is located in the Sharvy Umbeck Science-Mathematics Center. Scientific equipment is housed in several special research centers, as well as in individual faculty members' laboratories. Facilities include:

  • Center for Microscopy: fluorescent microscopes with digital image capture, transmission and scanning electron microscopes, video/Normarski microscope, darkroom and accessories
  • Center for Tissue Culture: Class II A/B3 biological safety cabinet, water-jacketed CO2 incubators 
  • Nuclear and electronic spin resonance spectrometers (NMR/ESR)
  • Gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer (GCMS) and X-ray spectrometer
  • Waters high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC)
  • FPLC protein purification system
  • Molecular Biology Center instrumentation for cloning, polymerase chain reaction, and Northern and Western blotting
  • Image Analysis Center-Bio-Rad Fluor-S MultiImager
  • Center for Spectroscopy: circular dichroism, laser, polarimetric and stopped-flow CD

The Kresge Science-Mathematics Library provides easy access to 30,000 books and scientific journals, including more than 70 journals in biology and chemistry alone, that supplement the College's main collection of more than 281,000 volumes in Seymour Library.

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Printed on Thursday, October 24, 2024