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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Flunk Day 2013

Flunk Day 2013

On a sunny, picture-perfect May 1 day, Knox College students celebrated the 2013 version of Flunk Day, the annual surprise party that features music, games, and, new this year, a zip line.

"One, two, three!" students yelled as they glided through the air and down the zip line, landing back on the ground with smiles on their faces.

Elsewhere on campus, students leaped onto a Velcro wall, played other inflatable games, threw footballs and Frisbees, kicked soccer balls, and tried their best to hang on to a bucking, mechanical bull.

See the action during Flunk Day below:

Flunk Day 2013

Flunk Day 2013 t-shirt blowing in the breeze.

Flunk Day 2013

Students run to Flunk Day festivities.

Flunk Day 2013

Flying across campus on a zip line.

Flunk Day 2013

Riding -- and falling off -- the mechanical bull.

Flunk Day 2013

Lincoln takes a swing during the student/faculty softball game on the South Lawn of Old Main.

Flunk Day 2013

Jump, stick, fall, jump, stick, fall, jump, stick ...

Flunk Day 2013

Falling -- and crawling -- through the obstacle course.

Flunk Day 2013

Playing with the BIG tetherball.

Flunk Day 2013

Grooving south of Seymour.

Flunk Day 2013

Down the slide.

Flunk Day lawn games included giant versions of chess and Connect 4, which is similar to tic-tac-toe. (For more photos of Flunk Day 2013, check out our Flickr gallery here.)

At the karaoke tent, students danced and took turns at the microphones to belt out tunes.

Some students wore special Flunk Day outfits, such as pink tutus and an orange jumpsuit similar to what astronauts wear. At least one student was dressed as a bumblebee -- including wings, a yellow-and-black midsection, and antennae.

Food also is a key part of the Flunk Day celebration. Students and other members of the Knox community eat lunch and supper together outside, and various snacks are available throughout the day, including snow cones and smoothies.

Afternoon and evening activities include a softball game involving Knox students versus a team made up of faculty and staff members, laser tag, a black light foam party, and a performance by comedian Godfrey.

Flunk Day is a long-standing Knox tradition, dating back almost 100 years. Meant to provide a break from the intense 10-week spring academic term, Flunk Day starts with the ringing of Old Main's bell at 6 a.m. The first Flunk Day of record was May 11, 1922.

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Printed on Sunday, June 16, 2024

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