Jennie Hemingway, PhD
Director of Title IX & Civil Rights Compliance
Knox College affirms its commitment to create and maintain an environment free from acts of sex discrimination and sex-based harassment, and to foster within that environment respect for the dignity of all members of the community. Accordingly, Knox College will not tolerate any acts of sex discrimination or sex-based harassment.
It is most important to do what is right for you. There is no right or wrong way to respond to an act of sex-based harassment. If you or someone you know has been assaulted, a variety of resources are available and we encourage you to consider the following actions:
Seek medical attention at a local hospital. In the emergency room, doctors and nurses can treat any injuries, test for and treat sexually transmitted infections, and test for pregnancy. A medical exam will also help collect evidence in case you decide now or at a later time to pursue criminal charges or legal action.
Seek Support from a Confidential Source
Talk to someone you trust. There are people on campus and in the community who are trained to help you cope with the experience and examine your options.
Anyone who feels that they have experienced sex-based harassment is encouraged to bring it to the attention of the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator provides support measures, discusses the options available, and facilitates connection to resources for anyone who reports their experience.
If Someone You Know Is Assaulted
As a supportive friend or ally, you provide support, give assurance that College and community resources are available to help, and offer assistance to access these resources.
What is Sex-based Harassment?
Sex-based harassment is a form of discrimination or harassment and consists of sexual and other sex-based harassment that constitutes Quid Pro Quo Harassment, Hostile Environment Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, or Stalking.
For complete definitions, please review Knox’s Policy Against Discrimination and Harassment
An alphabetical listing of local and national resources where you can find assistance for issues ranging from sexual assault to domestic violence to GLBTQ+ support.