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Faculty Development Events
The Office of the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs regularly offers opportunities for faculty and Academic Affairs staff to participate in professional development events. This page serves as a resource and reference for past, present, and future events of this ilk. We last updated this page on July 26, 2024.
When: Wednesdays from July 17 until August 13 at 2:00pm
Also: Tuesdays, August 20 and August 27
Where: Abolition Lab in Seymour Library, Hybrid option available.
This reading group was put together by Hilary Lehmann to give us more insight into generative AI programs like ChatGPT, Ollama, Copilot, and their ilk. What do they mean? How can we use them? How can we explain their uses (and abuses) to our students as we prepare them for life-long learning?
For more information, please contact Hilary at hjlehmann@knox.edu.
When: August 6, 2024 (Tuesday) 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Where: OM 100. Hybrid option available.
The FP Steering Committee selected Celest Ng's timeless novel, Little Fires Everywhere as the common reading for our first-year students. To support those teaching FP (and those who enjoy reading), we are holding a discussion of the book and how it can be used to encourage our students to think more about American culture and what we experience.
🥪 Food form: https://forms.gle/
If you are attending in person, please complete the food form by July 28.
🗓️ Click here to add it to your calendar
When: August 8, 2024 (Thursday) 10:00am to 2:00pm.
Where: OM 100. Lunch included. In-person only.
Would you enjoy some concentrated time to plan a new course you’ve been thinking about, or work on a revision of an existing course? This workshop will lead you through a process of designing a course that will help you answer many questions. While this workshop is aimed toward returning faculty, I encourage new faculty in the area to attend. Among other things, it will be a good place to learn more about the inner workings of a small, residential, liberal arts institution like Knox College.
🥪 Food form: https://forms.gle/
Please complete the food form by July 28.
🗓️ Click here to add it to your calendar
When: August 15, 2024 (Thursday) from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.
Where: OM 100. Hybrid option available.
The research is in — students go more out of assignments when they know why they’re doing them and what you expect them to do. Come to this workshop with an assignment you plan to use in Fall term and we’ll make sure that it is ready for student eyes!
As for food, because of the timing, some light snacks and pop will be provided.
🗓️ Click here to add it to your calendar
【 This information significantly changed on 7/26/2024. 】
When: August 16 (Friday) from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.
Where: SMC A-201/202
While this writing workshop is targeted to the FP instructors, all faculty who teach writing (that would be all of us) are encouraged to join the workshop.
Guest Presenter: Bruce Kovanen, Class of 2015
🗓️ Click here to add it to your calendar
When: August 28 and 29 from 8:30am to 4:00pm.
Where: Wilson House (August 28); Seymour LIbrary (August 29). Food Included.
This is it! This is Knox community's introduction to our newest members. In these two short days, the new faculty will learn what it means to be at a small, liberal arts college like Knox. Sessions include introductions to the administration, the faculty, the students, and those who directly support the students.
The incoming faculty will experience all about Knox that we can fit in 14 hours without causing (too much) pain. 😸
Note:All events are subject to change.
Please contact Ole (ojforsberg@knox.edu) or Kari (ksantos@knox.edu) for questions on these events.
Course Development Workshop
August 10 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: OM 100 or virtually
Description: From conception to syllabus, putting a new class together (or revising an old one) can seem daunting. This workshop is offered to help you make sure that you are ready to go on the first day of class. Lunch provided.
What is AI workshop, pt. 1
August 16, time and location tba
Description: This workshop will provide an introduction to all things AI as well as help us refine our questions about its impact on our classes.
Developing Assignments Workshop
August 17, from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Location: OM 100 or virtually
Description: The research is in - students go more out of assignments when they know why they’re doing them and what you expect them to do. Come to this workshop with an assignment you plan to use in Fall term and we’ll make sure that it is ready for student eyes!
Workshopping Your Response to AI/ChatGPT Pt 2
August 21, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Location: BORZ 116 or virtually
Description: This hands-on workshop will guide you through the creation of a policy for AI in your classes as well as help you craft appropriate assignments and syllabus guidance for your students.
Teaching Writing Workshop
Special guest: Mark Bennett, Ph.D. from University of Illinois, Chicago.
August 24, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Lunch Included
Location: OM 100 or virtual
Description: From FP to Senior Sem, we all have to read and respond to student writing. But how to do this as effectively as possible? This all-day workshop (lunch provided) will help you feel ready to take on this task. While focused on FP, this workshop is for everyone who teaches writing (which is all of us).
ADFA Book Club!
Join the Department of the Dean of Faculty for a summer book club, snacks & beverages provided.
Just Mercy
August 8, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: BORZ-116 or virtually
Learn more here
Sexual Citizens
August 15, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 pm
Location: OM 100 or virtually
Learn more here
August 22, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Location: OM 100 or virtually
Learn more here
How To Be An Antiracist
August 29, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Location: OM 100 or virtually
Learn more here
New and Ongoing Chairs' Orientation (link)
New Faculty Orientation (link)
New, Ongoing, and Quick-Start Advisor Training (link)