Office of Communications
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
Graduate Student in Computer Science, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Major in Computer Science, Minor in Chemistry
Looking back on StartUp Term, how do you think it benefited your education?
StartUp Term [an immersive term that blends entrepreneurship and software development] opened a completely new avenue for me in that I had not previously considered business as a possible career path. It was an excellent primer for real-world business because much of our business interactions were outside the cushy-ness of a classroom so it allowed you to take some leaps that a classroom might not present.
What's happening to Farmet now that it has stopped taking orders?
We donated 10% of the profits to Knox Prairie Community Kitchen, a local community food organization. Since we are each going our separate ways, we closed our bank account and split the profits evenly.
You were involved in a project with the computer science department this summer. Can you describe what you were working on?
We're researching different ways of distributing large programs on a supercomputer, a process known as task-mapping. It's novel work because the supercomputer topology (how it's wired together) is a new design, and not much has been done in the way of exploring task mapping for it.
How do you think Knox has prepared you for life after graduation?
That's a good question, and it could be the start of an essay. To put it in only so many words, I feel well-rounded.
What are your career plans?
To find a job where I can consistently arrive home at the end of the day feeling accomplished.