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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Laura Lueninghoener '16

Graduate Student, Simon Business School at the University of Rochester

Self-Designed Major in Media Studies, Minor in Business & Management

Laura is pursuing a master's in marketing analytics at the Simon Business School at the University of Rochester.

Recent Knox graduate Laura Lueninghoener '16 is headed off to Simon Business School at the University of Rochester to receive her Masters in Marketing Analytics.

How did your Knox experience influence where you are today?

My Knox experience has changed how I interpret and understand the world around me. Knox teaches its students skills that cannot be learned out of a book or lecture. It comes through challenging class discussions, learning leadership through clubs and organizations, and conducting independent student projects and capstones.

Why did you choose Knox?

I wanted a school outside of Nebraska so I could experience a different part of the country and have the ability to form a sense and understanding of independence. I am a person who thrives on experiences, and I knew that I wanted to spend time outside of the States learning about different people and cultures. Knox was the most diverse school I visited in terms of international, ethnic, economic, and rural versus urban backgrounds. My first-year roommate, and continual college roommate, was from Taiwan and it was amazing to see how alike we were even though we literally grew up on opposite sides of the world

What surprised you the most about your Knox experience?

The phrase "you can do whatever you want at Knox" really surprised me. I was told as a prospective student that if I could not find exactly what I wanted at Knox, I could design or propose it. Even though it was a lot of work, I found this phrase to be true. During my time at Knox, I was able to self-design my own major, self-design a study abroad program in New Zealand, take an independent study class with a professor, and create a senior capstone project tailored to my interests. These opportunities have taught me to confidently dream big and to believe in my skills and capabilities.

Laura participated in many leadership roles in clubs and organizations at Knox, such as Alpha Phi Omega, Alpha Sigma Alpha sorority, and Mortar Board. She also worked several positions on-campus such as resident advisor, alumni ambassador, and VideoCorps student worker.

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Knox College

Printed on Thursday, October 24, 2024