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Jessie Quach

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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

Da Nang, Viet Nam

Academic Area of Interest: 
Computer Science Major, Economics Minor

On-Campus Involvements: 
Vietnamese Club, ASA, Student Senate, 2024 Resident Assistant, CTL/Red Room Tutor

Nickname and How You Got It: 

Why Did You Pick Your Major?: 
It's because I can make more money.

What Occupation Did You Want When You Were Little?: 
I used to be very ambitious about me becoming a president lol.

#1 Tip for Students Using the Center for Career Success: 
Accompanying with a PCL.

Sprite or Sierra Mist?: 

Your Favorite Event with the Center for Career Success?: 
The upcoming Nicole Havelka event with bubble tea.

Place You Have Been that You Would Love to Go Back To?: 
Chinatown either in New York or Chicago, and Los Angeles.

Favorite Resource We Provide Students With: 

Favorite Class You Have Taken at Knox: 
ECON 120-Principles of Macroeconomics and ANSO 103-Introduction to Sociology.

Last Movie or TV Show You Watched: 
Black Adam.

One Place Within Walking Distance of Knox that You Would Recommend a New Student Visit: 

Pizza or Pancakes?: 

Favorite Sport or Sports Team: 

Knox College

Printed on Saturday, July 27, 2024