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As one of the main politically-oriented groups on campus, the Knox Democrats work to heighten political awareness and increase political participation on the Knox campus. The group is dedicated to educating students on the Democratic platform and the Democratic candidates so they can form and understand their own political beliefs.
The Knox Democrats strive to provide facts about many different facets of political parties to increase the amount of civil political discourse on campus regarding politics, candidates, and party values. Knox Democrats are active in campaigning for state and local candidates, canvassing the Galesburg area with flyers, posters, and yard signs. The Knox Democrats bring political speakers to campus, organize debates, and plan rallies with national, state, and local public officials.
The Knox Democrats provide a popular place for all students and community members to learn about, discuss, and support the Democratic party.
A.B.L.E. (Allied Blacks for Liberty & Equality) was founded.
Open to students of all races, uniting them around common concerns regarding the Black experience