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Classics Club


Isabella Brennan '23



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Historical books in Seymour Library.

If you are interested in mythology, classic literature, Ancient Greece and Rome, or other aspects of the antiquated Mediterranean world, the Classics Club at Knox offers a place to have open discussions with others who share a passion for the classics.

Also known as Amici Antiquitatis, the Classics Club brings people together to gain a better understanding of the ancient cultures from which the field of classics is derived.

Past events

  • Regular tea party and discussion groups. Past discussion topics have included the severe style of ancient Greek sculpture, Euripides, Alcestis, and the traditional style between the stylized archaic and the realistic classical styles
  • Homerathon, a marathon session where you'll read aloud from several books of a work by Homer
  • Classics Party. At the end of each spring term, members dine on Mediterranean food and read ancient plays
  • Trips to museums and theatres to see exhibits and productions of classical plays
  • Paging through Seymour Library's Special Collections and Archives to look at artifacts and books such as Ovid's De arte amandi et de remedio amoris, printed in 1494, and a pop-up book of Euclid's Elements of Geometrie, printed in 1570

In understanding literature today, it is important to understand its roots. Join the Classics Club to explore the roots of ancient literature, art, and theatre, and explore questions of the classics with others.

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Printed on Thursday, October 24, 2024