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JUMP: A 2-Week Paid Pre-Med Internship

February 06 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

Alumni Hall 115 Lincoln Douglas Room

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This two week immersive “medical boot camp” experience provides students interested in the health professions an opportunity to experience firsthand the work that healthcare professionals engage in on an everyday basis–from interacting with patients, conducting physical exams, and diagnosing illness, to problem-solving and critical thinking within a team. Run by the University of Illinois College of Medicine’s innovative JUMP Trading & Simulation Center, the program combines:

  • learning through lectures and presentations by physicians and administrators
  • observation via shadowing of physicians and faculty at the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria and OSF Peoria
  • application and actual practice with simulated patient actors, medical visualization tools, and cadaver labs within simulated ICU, labor/delivery, and hospital rooms and an ambulance
  • assessment via OSCE exams, which are the same tests that medical students complete continually in M1 and M2, to gauge understanding and areas for improvement

Applications are due April 6th!


Jump Summer Immersion Program

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One of the most compelling, egalitarian, and collaborative intellectual communities on the planet. (Usually modest, too!)

Knox College

Printed on Tuesday, February 11, 2025

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