September 10 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Plomin Terrace , Alumni Hall
This event is open to the public.
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New to Galesburg? Want to know where the best food in town is? Need somewhere to shop? The 4th annual Gateway to Galesburg Community Fair is a wonderful opportunity for Knox students and staff to connect with the important members of the greater Galesburg community. This fair is a place where students unfamiliar with Galesburg and local organizations unfamiliar with Knox can forge strong bonds while building a more connected Galesburg. Through captivating activities, interactive showcases, and lively interaction, the community fair aims to provide important networking opportunites while having a fun and exciting experience.
Hosted by the Bastian Family Center for Career Success
Courses of study
including 42 majors, 57 minors, and pre-professional and cooperative programs