by Michael Burlingame - Unedited Manuscript by Chapters
Michael Burlingame's long-awaited Abraham Lincoln: A Life, published in 2008 by the Johns Hopkins University Press in two large volumes and nearly 2,000 pages, is believed by many Lincoln scholars to be the most exhaustively researched and fully documented biography of Abraham Lincoln ever written.
The work as originally submitted was even more extensive, but largely because of space limitations, it was considered necessary to condense both the narrative and the accompanying documentation. By agreement with the author and the publisher, and in the interest of giving scholars and other students of Lincoln access to references and sources not appearing in the published version, the Lincoln Studies Center is privileged to present on this site the author's original unedited manuscript. This manuscript is accessible by individual chapters, which are displayed in searchable, read-only PDF format.
The user is advised that the work presented here is copyrighted, that Johns Hopkins University Press reserves all rights, and that this material may not be reproduced without permission.
The two-volume set may be ordered at a 25% discount (promo code GZA) direct from the publisher.
Chapter 2 - "I Used to be a Slave": Boyhood and Adolescence in Indiana (1816-1830)
Chapter 3 - "Separated from His Father, He Studied English Grammar": New Salem (1831-1834)
Chapter 4 - "A Napoleon of Astuteness and Political Finesse": Frontier Legislator (1834-1837)
Chapter 5 - "We Must Fight the Devil With Fire": Slasher-Gaff Politico in Springfield (1837-1841)
Chapter 6 - "It Would Just Kill Me to Marry Mary Todd": Courtship and Marriage (1840-1842)
Chapter 7 - "I Have Got the Preacher by the Balls": Pursuing a Seat in Congress (1843-1847)
Chapter 8 - "A Strong but Judicious Enemy to Slavery": Congressman Lincoln (1847-1849)
Chapter 10 - "Aroused As He Had Never Been Before": Reentering Politics (1854-1855)
Chapter 12 - "A House Divided": Lincoln vs. Douglas (1857-1858)
Chapter 13 - "A David Greater than the Democratic Goliath": The Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
Chapter 14 - That Presidential Grub Gnaws Deep: Pursuing the Republican Nomination (1859-1860)
Chapter 20 - "I Am Now Going To Be Master": Inauguration (February 23-March 4, 1861)
Chapter 23 - "I Intend to Give Blows": The Hundred Days (April-July 1861)
Chapter 24 - Sitzkrieg: The Phony War (August 1861-January 1862)
Chapter 25 - "This Damned Old House" The Lincoln Family in the Executive Mansion
Chapter 31 - "The Signs Look Better": Victory at the Polls and in the Field (July-November 1863)
Chapter 34 - "The Wisest Radical of All": Reelection (September-November, 1864)
Chapter 35 - "Let the Thing Be Pressed": Victory at Last (November 1864-April 1865)