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Heather Hoffmann
Robert M. & Katherine Arnold Seeley Distinguished Professor and Chair of Psychology
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
PSYC 100 Introduction to Psychology
An introduction to the scientific study of how biological, mental, and environmental factors influence behavior and experience. The laboratory provides hands-on application of course content. SI; Offered annually, usually every term; Staff
PSYC 100T Learning Strategies in Psychology (1/2)
This .5 credit course is taught in conjunction with PSYC 100. The course is designed to assist students with material comprehension and development of effective study strategies to improve their performance in Introductory Psychology; the course is open to students by invitation. Through this course, students will be exposed to critical skill development, including taking good lecture notes, effectively reading the textbook, study habits and skills, test-taking strategies, time management, and motivation. Weekly group and individual meetings as well as practice assignments are used to solidify skills; grades are assigned on an S/U basis. Staff
PSYC 201 Cognitive Psychology
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the major areas of cognitive psychology. These areas include: attention, higher-order perception, problem solving, decision making, knowledge representation, and memory. At the end of the course, students have a solid understanding of the methodology used by cognitive psychologists as well as an understanding of the important theoretical issues surrounding the study of the human brain as an information processing system. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Offered Annually; Staff
PSYC 202 Conditioning and Learning
An examination of the processes by which behavior changes as organisms interact with their environment. Emphasis is on the principles and theories underlying classical and operant conditioning. Observational learning is also addressed. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; SI; Offered alternate years; H. Hoffmann
PSYC 203 Developmental Psychology
An examination and discussion of theories and research related to physical, cognitive, psychological and social development across the lifespan with focus on the prenatal period, infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Offered occasionally; Staff
PSYC 205 Social Psychology
A broad survey of the field of social psychology, including such topics as attitude change, interpersonal attraction, social cognition and aggression. Emphasis throughout is on the understanding of social phenomena from an empirical, primarily experimental, viewpoint. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; SA; Offered annually; F. McAndrew; A. Hertel
PSYC 206 Adolescent Development
This course is an examination of emerging adolescent development, both historically and in contemporary society. It is designed to focus on the physical, psycho-social and intellectual dimensions of early adolescent development. Prerequisite(s): EDUC 204; Cross Listing: EDUC 205; Staff
PSYC 207 Theories of Personality
This course provides a broad overview of historical, contemporary, and scientific theories of personality psychology to foster a more sophisticated appreciation of what makes people think, feel, and behave in certain ways. Such topics include research methods devoted to studying personality, personality judgment, historical and current paradigms of personality, genetic and environmental influences of personality, and cultural differences in personality. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Offered alternate years; Staff
PSYC 215 Black Psychology
An exploration of the different models--inferiority, deprivation/deficit, multicultural--in psychological research regarding critical issues in the African American experience, such as personality, psychological assessment, education, expressiveness, racism, mental health, counseling, family functioning, and male/female relationships. Using the major contemporary schools of black psychology, the different configurations of the reformist and radical models are analyzed regarding their implications for the self-actualization and mental health of all in a multicultural society. Alternate years. Cross Listing: AFST 215; Staff
PSYC 222 Psychology Writing Workshop
Students in this course write multiple drafts of short papers concerning psychological topics. The primary goal of the course is to improve students' ability to write with a scientific voice and in clear, concise, and grammatically-correct ways. Although the course is designed primarily for students who intend to major in Psychology, it is open to other interested students. Prerequisite(s): One 200-level psychology course; Offered occasionally; Staff
PSYC 234 Political Psychology
This course examines the intersection of psychology and politics. Political scientists draw heavily on psychological theories to explain political phenomena. Topics covered in this course include but are not limited to political leadership and personality theories, the formation and structure of political attitudes, the behavior of citizens particularly voting behavior, the psychology of group interactions, and the psychology of foreign policy, war, peace, and terrorism. While the research explored draws heavily on psychological theories, no prior study of psychology is required for this course. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PS 234; SA; A. Civettini
PSYC 240 Neuroscience I
This course begins by exploring the neuron and its unique cellular processes; neurophysiology, neurochemistry, neuroanatomy, and neuroplasticity will be covered. We will then attempt to understand selected homeostatic (e.g., eating), cognitive (e.g., sensation/perception, learning/memory), and emotional processes (e.g., reward, stress, and depression) at and across integrated levels of analysis (genetic, physiological, chemical, anatomical, and systems). Prerequisite(s): BIOL 120, 130, CHEM 101, 102, or PSYC 100 and permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: NEUR 240; A 0.5 credit tutorial will be offered concurrently with this course for students who have not completed the lower level biology and chemistry courses; Offered every Fall; H. Hoffmann; E. Penick
PSYC 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
PSYC 265 Psychological Assessment
Psychological assessment is the method used to formally measure traits, feelings, and abilities to help explain behavior and guide decisions. For instance, IQ and achievement tests help identify learning disorders, neuropsychological tests can uncover memory problems following brain injury, and aptitude tests can reveal strengths and interests. In this course, you will be introduced to commonly used psychological tests (IQ, achievement, personality, psychopathology, neuropsychological, career aptitude), basic psychometrics (test properties), test development procedures, and test interpretation. This course will require some knowledge of statistics and quantitative methods. Prerequisite(s): Any 200-level PSYC class; A lower-level statistics course (BIO 210, STAT 200, PSYC 281) is strongly recommended; Cross Listing: PSYC 300D; Offered alternate years; Staff
PSYC 266 Psychology and Law
This course serves as an introduction to psychological theory and research that informs our understanding of the criminal justice system. We will take an in-depth look at the psychologically relevant aspects of the legal system from the moment a crime is committed to the moment the defendant is sentenced from a variety of different perspectives including cognitive, developmental, social, experimental, and clinical psychology. Source material for the course content will come from two primary domains: scientific research findings and criminal cases from the popular press. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Staff
PSYC 267 Organizational Behavior
This course is a study of group dynamics within the context of work organizations. Topics include decision-making, conformity, leadership, communication, organizational culture, workplace diversity, and job satisfaction. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 and sophomore standing; Cross Listing: BUS 267; Offered alternate years; F. McAndrew
PSYC 268 Freud, Jung, and Religion
This course uses close study of key texts on religion by Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung as an entry point for considering psychoanalytic explanations of religious experience and identity. Readings include theorists influenced by or responding to Freud and Jung, as well as other contributors to the sometimes troubled, sometimes fruitful, and often perplexing interplay between psychoanalysis and religion. Topics of study include the effects on religious theory of the objects relations school, developmental psychology, humanistic psychology, and existential psychology. Discussion themes include religious conversion, mysticism, asceticism, aestheticism, sexuality, and religious doubt. Prerequisite(s): one course in Religious Studies or Psychology, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: RELS 399A; SA; J. Thrall
PSYC 270 Psychology and Film
This course is an introduction to psychology and film. We will study this topic from a number of perspectives: the psychology of making movies, the effect of film on the audience, and the representation of psychological topics in film. The focus of the course will be on watching and discussing films, as well as on reading and writing about psychological aspects of film. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Cross Listing: FILM 270; Offered alternate years; K. Shaw
PSYC 271 Human Sexuality
An analysis and discussion of information and misinformation concerning human sexual anatomy and physiology, evolutionary foundations of sexuality and attitudes towards sexuality, sexuality research, sexual response and techniques of arousal, emotional health, contraception, STIs, and issues related to diversity. Student participation and presentation are a major part of the course. Prerequisite(s): one 200-level psychology course; Cross Listing: GWST 271; Offered annually; H. Hoffmann
PSYC 272 Industrial Psychology
This course will cover the application of psychology to the problems faced by employees and employers in the workplace. A sample of the topics covered include the following: Psychological Testing; Employee Selection, Placement, & Evaluation; Job Stress; the Physical Design of Workspaces; Work Motivation. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 and sophomore standing; Cross Listing: BUS 272; Offered alternate years; F. McAndrew
PSYC 273 Psychological Foundations of Education
An examination of human learning from a variety of perspectives. Learning is viewed as a process that occurs formally in settings such as schools, as well as informally in daily human experience. Where appropriate, topics in human development are related to theories of learning. In addition to class work, students work in local classrooms for a minimum of 25 hours. In 2017/18 this course will be taught at Lombard Middle School located at 1220 E Knox Street in Galesburg. The 25 hours and the course will be completed between Knox periods 3s and 5s. Advisor note: public transportation is available for students without transportation. If a student has reliable transportation they may still register for a 6th period class. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: EDUC 204; M. Lyons
PSYC 275 Psychology of Gender
This course is an introduction to the psychological literature on gender. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and interpretation of research findings, as well as a critique of research methodologies. Students are asked to design and conduct small-scale research projects, the results of which are reported in papers due at the end of the term. The course concludes with analysis and discussion of special topics chosen by students. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100 or GWST 101; Cross Listing: GWST 275; Offered alternate years; K. Shaw
PSYC 276 Behavioral Pharmacology
This course will discuss how psychoactive drugs, both those used clinically and those used recreationally, affect our nervous system and hence our behavior and mental processes. While the focus will be on neural mechanisms of action, from the cellular/molecular to the systems level, we will also consider addiction, other clinical issues and legal/social issues surrounding drug use. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 240 or permission of instructor; Offered alternate years; H. Hoffmann
PSYC 277 Psychopathology
Psychopathology is the study of psychological disorder. In this class, we will study contemporary perspectives on the development, maintenance, and treatment of the major classes of disorder, including anxiety, mood disorders and suicide, schizophrenia and psychosis, trauma/PTSD, eating disorders, dissociation, personality disorders, and disorders that affect children and older adults. Students will read and write about case studies, and will engage in experiential exercises related to these diagnostic areas. Prerequisite(s): one 200-level course in psychology; Offered annually; Staff
PSYC 278 Stereotypes and Prejudice
This course is an introduction to the psychological literature on stereotypes and prejudice. We study general concepts and theories, as well as examine stereotypes and prejudice directed at particular groups. Emphasis is placed on the evaluation and discussion of this material. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 100; Cross Listing: AFST 278;PJST 278;PJST 278; Offered annually; SA; PI; K. Shaw
PSYC 279 Health Psychology
The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to health psychology. Primary influence is placed on the mental, emotional, and behavioral contributions to physical health, disease, and illness. Some of the specific concepts and topics covered include a biopsychosocial perspective on physical health, disease, and illness; stress; pain; and theories of health behavior. Prerequisite(s): One 200-level PSYC course or both PSYC 100 and BIOL 130; Offered annually; A. Hertel
PSYC 281 Research Methods and Statistics I
This course is an introduction to statistics in psychological research. Topics and statistics covered include the logic of hypothesis testing, central tendency and variability, t-tests, analysis of variance, correlation, and chi-square. Emphasis throughout the course is on the relationship between the design of the study, the type of statistical analysis conducted with the data generated, basic conceptual understanding of the statistical analyses, and how to do the statistical analyses. Students will also become proficient in the use of SPSS statistical software. Prerequisite(s): One 200-level psychology course, Math Proficiency satisfied, and sophomore standing; QR; Offered annually, usually fall and winter; Staff
PSYC 281S Supplemental Instruction in Research Methods and Statistics I (PSYC 281) (1/2)
PSYC 281S is exclusively for students who are simultaneously enrolled in PSYC 281. Course content will be determined by the difficulties that students encounter in the primary course. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in PSYC 281; Staff
PSYC 282 Research Methods and Statistics II
This course teaches students to think and communicate as scientists do. It is designed primarily for psychology majors to help them understand how to: (a) construct an argument; (b) find and apply evidence in support of an argument; (c) design an appropriate method to test one's hypothesis; (d) gather, statistically analyze, and interpret relevant data; (e) understand the implications and limits of that data; and (f) effectively communicate this information both orally and in writing. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 281; Offered annually, usually spring; Staff
PSYC 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Psychology not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
PSYC 300B Clinical Psychology Term: Theories & Methods of Psychotherapy
See description of PSYC 367. Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in PSYC 277 and permission of the department; PSYC 300B, PSYC 300C, and PSYC 300D must be taken concurrently (in the case that a different course is offered in the place of 300D, that course must be taken concurrently); Cross Listing: PSYC 367; IMMR; S. O'Brien
PSYC 300C Clinical Psychology Term: Internship in Psychology (1/2 or 1)
See description for PSYC 355. Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in PSYC 277 and permission of the department; PSYC 300B, PSYC 300C, and PSYC 300D must be taken concurrently (in the case that a different course is offered in the place of 300D, that course must be taken concurrently); Cross Listing: PSYC 355; May be taken for 0.5 or 1.0 credits. This course is graded on an S/U basis; IMMR; Staff
PSYC 300D Psychological Assessment
See the description for PSYC 265. Prerequisite(s): C+ or better in PSYC 277 and permission of the department; PSYC 300B, PSYC 300C, and PSYC 300D must be taken concurrently (in the case that a different course is offered in the place of 300D, that course must be taken concurrently); A lowe; Cross Listing: PSYC 265; IMMR; Staff
PSYC 300F Clinical Psychology Term: Developmental and Acquired Disabilities
This course will review models, etiology, assessment, and intervention for various developmental and acquired disabilities. This course is organized through a lifespan developmental approach beginning with etiology diagnosis and moving through early intervention, special education, dating and sexuality, vocation, community involvement, and healthcare. Specific disabilities will be examined through a biopsychosocial lens. Autism spectrum disorder, AD/HD, intellectual disability, learning disabilities, traumatic brain injury, spinal cord injury, acquired blindness, and related conditions will be covered as we move through the course. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 277; PSYC 203 is highly recommended; PSYC 300B and 300C must be taken concurrently; Staff
PSYC 312 Animal Behavior
This course examines the mechanisms and functions of behavior. Topics include the neural basis and organization of behavior, behavioral development, behavioral genetics, the causation of behavior, the evolution of behavior, behavioral ecology and sociobiology. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 110 and one of BIOL 210, PSYC 281, or STAT 200; Cross Listing: BIOL 312; J. Templeton
PSYC 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
PSYC 355 Internship in Psychology (1/2 or 1)
Internships in psychology are designed to give students practical, applied experience in a field of psychology related to their career interests. These internships are student-initiated and in most cases the internship site is identified by the student rather than the supervising faculty member. Part of the internship experience requires the student to produce written work that is evaluated by the Knox faculty. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; Cross Listing: PSYC 300C; May be repeated for a maximum of 1.0 credit. The course is graded on an S/U basis; Staff
PSYC 360 - PSYC 361 Research Experience in Psychology (1/2)
A two-term experience in which students, with the aid of a faculty member, conduct an empirical study regarding some question in psychology. This process includes reviewing the literature, generating hypotheses, collecting and analyzing data, and presenting results in both oral and written forms. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 282 and Senior Standing; Given satisfactory work in PSYC 360 a grade of S is awarded until PSYC 361 is completed, at which time a letter grade is awarded for both courses; Offered annually, every term; Staff
PSYC 362 Psychology of Addiction
What is addiction? What does it mean when we say that someone is addicted? How much does a public, lay understanding of addiction overlap with the psychological science understanding of addiction? In this course, students gain a broad overview of theory and research on the psychological causes of addiction. Students read summaries of a wide range of theories as well as original empirical research articles that test them. Class sessions primarily consist of discussion and presentation about readings. The course culminates with an original empirical research project. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 282 and any one of PSYC 201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 208, 240; Offered alternate years; A. Hertel
PSYC 363 Self-Regulation
Students gain an overview of theory and research about self-regulation--how individuals manage themselves--with a focus on behavioral self-regulation. Readings primarily consist of theoretical articles, research review articles, and original empirical articles. Students also identify behavioral self-regulation goals, identify a strategy for pursuing the goals, pursue those goals, and write reports of their efforts and outcomes. Class sessions primarily consist of discussion about readings and goal pursuits. Finally, as a class, students collectively test one behavioral self-regulation strategy. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 282; A. Hertel
PSYC 364 Behavioral Neuroscience
Advanced seminar style course examining the role of the nervous system in the control of behavior and mental processes. While the course features a systems approach, cellular and molecular processes will also be discussed. Topics emphasize affective neuroscience and include behavioral endocrinology. Labs include stereotaxic, pharmacological, and/or behavioral work with animals and neurophysiological and psychophysiological work with humans. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 240. PSYC 281 or the equivalent strongly recommended; Offered alternate years, usually spring; H. Hoffmann
PSYC 366 Language and Memory
This course provides an overview of how human memory operates through a systematic analysis of when and why memory fails. Through an exploration of the situations that govern memory failures, we will come to a better understanding of exactly how memory operates. Additionally, definitions of memory are examined through the interaction of memory and other cognitive processes like language. Topics covered include eye-witness testimony, memory and aging, amnesia, language and memory, bilingualism, and memory in the classroom. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 201 and PSYC 282; Staff
PSYC 367 Theories & Methods of Psychotherapy
This course provides an overview of theoretical and applied aspects of mental health intervention. Topics include a review of the major theories and methods of psychotherapy, basic clinical skills (e.g., questioning, listening, empathy), the client-therapist relationship, multicultural competence, and professional ethics. Students will engage in experiential activities and personal reflection. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 207 or prior or concurrent enrollment in PSYC 277; Cross Listing: PSYC 300B; Students enrolled in Clinical Psychology Term have priority enrollment in this course; Offered alternate years; Staff
PSYC 369 Evolution and Human Behavior
This course provides evolutionary perspectives on topics such as language, development, cognition, mating behavior, family relationships, aggression, and altruism. It also provides a quick survey of the basic principles of evolution, human evolution, and primate ecology and behavior. Prerequisite(s): junior standing and one of PSYC 282 or BIOL 210; Offered annually; F. McAndrew
PSYC 371 History and Systems of Psychology
This course examines the growth of psychology as an experimental science and as a product of the cultural history of the Western world. There will be particular emphasis on events between the 1850s and 1970s. Prerequisite(s): junior standing and two 200-level psychology courses; Offered occasionally; F. McAndrew
PSYC 372 Advanced Psychopathology: Anxiety and its Disorders
Anxiety is a nearly universal and normally adaptive experience. Nonetheless, anxiety is the defining feature of the most common class of psychopathology, encompassing diverse symptom presentations (racing heart, intrusive thoughts, worry). How can we establish whether anxiety is experienced in a healthy way or spirals out of control into an emotional disorder? In what ways are manifestations of anxiety similar and distinct? Are there effective interventions? In this seminar, we will examine risk factors and prevalence, diagnostic definitions, assessment and classification, empirically supported interventions, transdiagnostic features, and controversial issues in the scientific study of anxiety and its disorders. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 277 and PSYC 282 or permission of the instructor; Offered alternate years; Staff
PSYC 375 Psychology of Religion and Spirituality
This course examines the psychological science of religion and spirituality (R/S). Course readings will survey the history of the scientific study of R/S, including exploration of major psychological theories and intersections with other fields: sociology, anthropology, political theory, and feminist theory. Through overview of primary literature, this course explores empirical definitions of R/S, why people believe (or do not), and the psychological functions of R/S at the individual and group levels. These questions culminate in a quantitative or qualitative research project. Other course topics include: morality, prejudice, mysticism, death, wellness, and the relation of religious and spiritual belief to psychotherapeutic practice. Prerequisite(s): Junior standing and PSYC 281 (or equivalent), or permission of instructor. Prior enrollment in RELS 101, PSYC 268/RELS 399A, or ANSO 247/RELS 247 is strongly recommended; Cross Listing: RELS 375; C. Dabbs II
PSYC 376 Behavioral Pharmacology
Advanced version of PSYC 276. Credit may not be earned for both PSYC 276 and PSYC 376. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 240 and PSYC 281; Offered alternate years; H. Hoffmann
PSYC 377 Cognition and Aging
This course provides an overview of how human cognition changes throughout adulthood. Cognitive processes discussed include autobiographical memory, decision-making, and language. Central to these processes will be the question of what it means to age gracefully. Students will work together to collect and analyze data from older adults in the Knox and greater Galesburg communities. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 282, and either PSYC 201 or PSYC 203; P. Xi
PSYC 378 Personality Pathology
Everyone has a personality. But what happens when someone's personality is seen as "maladaptive"? Who decides? This course examines risk factors and prevalence, diagnostic definitions, assessment and classification, empirically-supported interventions, transdiagnostic features, and controversial issues in the scientific study of personality disorders and personality pathology. Prerequisite(s): PSYC 277 and PSYC 282; M. Bucher
PSYC 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Psychology not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
PSYC 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff