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Julio Noriega
Burkhardt Distinguished Chair in Modern Languages (Spanish); Chair of Latin American Studies
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
LAST 122 Introduction to Latin American Politics
An overview of the dilemmas of democratization and development. These issues are considered from a variety of perspectives (including those of indigenous people, women, peasants, religious groups and political parties), and in a number of countries. Cross Listing: PS 122; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
LAST 221 Native Arts of the Americas: Their History and Cultural Legacy
Surveys the art of the native peoples of the Americas with a focus on the ancient art of Mesoamerica and the Andes, as well as cultural artifacts of native American Indian peoples. Considers methodological and cultural issues of studying non-Western artistic traditions in conjunction with a critical examination of the cultural legacy of native arts to more recent artistic developments. Prerequisite(s): ART 105, ART 106, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ART 221; G. Gilbert
LAST 227 Women and Latin American Politics
The varied roles that women play in politics--from international politics to personal politics--are considered. The focus is on the different ways in which women define their interests and act upon them, but gender in a broader sense (including men's roles) is analyzed. This course will analyze these issues in the context of a number of Latin American countries. Prerequisite(s): one course in social science or gender and women's studies required; Cross Listing: GWST 227;PS 227; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
LAST 230 B-E Culture of the Spanish-Speaking World
These courses are organized by region to introduce students to both elite and popular cultures of the Spanish-speaking world as well as critical concepts in understanding social constructs and historical events that have shaped the region. A wide array of course materials will be used (literary, non-fiction, film, newspapers, etc.). Students may repeat different sections for credit. B) Mexico and Central America; C) The Caribbean; D) Southern Cone (Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay); E) Andean region (Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador). LAST 230B-E cross-listed in SPAN; LAST 230B-E are PI;; Staff
LAST 231 Populism in Latin America
Many of the most famous (or infamous) political leaders in Latin America - people like Evita Peron, Lazaro Cardenas, Rafael Correa and Hugo Chavez - are known as "populists." This course evaluates such leaders, with particular attention to the role of class and gender in their political careers. Other themes to be addressed include: charismatic leadership, classic populism vs. neopopulism vs. radical populism, the uneasy relationship between populism and democracy, feminism and populism, and the meanings of populist followership. Prerequisite(s): One previous Political Science or History course; Cross Listing: PS 231; PI; SA; K. Kampwirth
LAST 234 Culture and Identity in the Caribbean
This course offers a study of the diversity and distinctiveness of cultural practices and social contexts of the Pan-Caribbean, understood broadly. We examine the rhythms of everyday life of Caribbean people and how these articulate with historic and contemporary experiences of migration - both forced and free - of remembrances and forgetting, of social organization and political economy, and of the affective power of cultural expressions and identities. We foreground these vantage points through a series of stories, essays, films, music, and selected ethnographic case studies. Prerequisite(s): two courses in ANSO or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ANSO 234; W. Hope
LAST 235 Introduction to Hispanic Literatures
This course is designed to introduce students to literature through critical reading of representative works from different genres and diverse countries of the Spanish-speaking world, as well as to the different ways scholars approach literature. Through close readings of texts, including short story, drama, film novellas, poetry and essays, students acquire analytical and interpretive skills as they study how and why a work is constructed and what its social and cultural implications are. Students explore themes unique to Hispanic literature as well as what connects it to world literature. Taught in Spanish. Cross Listing: SPAN 235; IC; Staff
LAST 237 Music and Culture in the Americas
This class seeks to understand music making and dance as powerfully affective expressive cultural practices that people invest with social value and meaning. We will study a series of conceptual frameworks as well as basic music terminology for thinking about, listening to, and discussing music in specific cultural contexts. Case studies covered include music making in Cuba; Brazil; indigenous and mestizo musics in Peru; North American old-time country, music of the 'folk revival', and of the civil rights movement, among other case studies. This class is designed for non-music majors (although music majors are certainly welcome). Prerequisite(s): ANSO 102 or ANSO 237 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ANSO 237; W. Hope
LAST 238 Latin American Women Writers
The past two decades have seen the rise of an unprecedented number of Latin American women writers who have made important aesthetic contributions to the literary traditions of their countries. This course examines some of their works paying special attention to the gendered politics and poetics of the text. Among some of the works included are: Nellie Campobello's novels of the Mexican Revolution, the testimonial narrative of Elena Poniatowska, the magical realist works of Isabel Allende. All works are read in English translations. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Cross Listing: GWST 238; M. Roy-Fequiere
LAST 240 Caribbean Literature and Culture
The course surveys literary, historical and political works that have shaped ideas on race and culture in the Caribbean context. Special attention is given to critical readings of such texts as Columbus' letters to the Spanish crown; the 19th century Cuban anti-slavery narrative, and to the highly original literature of the Negritude movement. In addition we reflect on the significance of popular culture as a creative response to racial and social oppression. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 240; M. Roy-Fequiere
LAST 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
LAST 260 African Dimensions of the Latin American Experience
A survey of the African relationships with the Latin American peoples in Central America, South America, and the Caribbean. Beginning with the Pre-Columbian contacts, we focus on Mexico, Brazil, Haiti, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, with some attention given to Guatemala, Argentina, Costa Rica, Panama, and the Dominican Republic. Prerequisite(s): ENG 102 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: AFST 260; Staff
LAST 263 Slavery in the Americas
This course surveys the experiences of Africans enslaved in the Caribbean, Latin America, and the United States. It is designed to introduce students to the complex history and issues of slavery, and to help them understand the origins, nature and impact of this institution. Slavery is examined both as an international system with global impact, and as a comparison of the smaller local systems of individual slave societies. Some of the subjects addressed include: European economic motivation and gain; capture and enslavement in Africa; differences between slave systems in the Americas; comparisons of slave revolts and abolition movements; African cultural retention in different slave populations; comparison of racist ideology and race relations in different slave societies. This course serves as the first half of the African-American history series, and as a required course for the major in Black Studies. Cross Listing: HIST 263; K. Hamilton; M. Roy-Fequiere
LAST 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Latin American Studies not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
LAST 305 Spanish American Literature Through Modernismo
The development of Spanish-American literature from pre-Columbian times to the twentieth century; Popol Vuh, Columbus, Cortes, Las Casas, Inca Garcilaso, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Bolivar, Sarmiento, Isaacs, Hernandez, Marti, Dario. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): equivalent of SPAN 235 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: SPAN 305; Staff
LAST 306 Twentieth Century Spanish-American Literature
The development of the contemporary Spanish-American narrative: Gallegos, Asturias, Carpentier, Rulfo, Garcia Marquez, Vargas Llosa, Borges, Cortazar, and Ferre. Representative works in poetry: Vallejo, Mistral, Storni, Neruda. Alternate years. Prerequisite(s): equivalent of SPAN 235 or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: SPAN 306; Staff
LAST 309 Contemporary Latin American Cinema
A survey of contemporary cinema of Spanish speaking countries of Latin America. We follow a trend starting with the avant-garde cinema of the political revolutionary turbulence of the 1960's, the "New Latin American Cinema", which continues today with a series of films that originated as a reaction to the neo-liberal and globalized capitalism of the 1990's. The films are treated as visual texts, studying the film as a genre with particular stylistic forms and techniques to represent social reality ideologically and in the context of social and cinematic history. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 235; Cross Listing: FILM 309;SPAN 309;SPAN 309; A. Prado del Santo
LAST 326 Comparative Revolution
Why do people revolt? When do they succeed? What happens after the overthrow of the old regime? This course addresses these and other questions related to class, culture, gender, and religion by considering revolutionary movements in a number of countries with a focus on Latin American, Asian, and Middle Eastern cases. Prerequisite(s): previous 200 or 300 level work in social science or history required; Cross Listing: PS 326; PI; K. Kampwirth
LAST 334 LGBT Politics in Latin America
The political visibility and rights of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans) community in Latin America has changed dramatically over the course of the last generation or two. This course will explore how and why political life has changed, and will compare the political experiences of LGBT citizens of several particular countries. The focus of the course is on the countries of Latin America, though LGBT political history in other areas, such as the U.S. and Europe, will be considered in the introduction to the course, which will analyze both institutional and social movement politics. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing; Cross Listing: PS 334; PI; K. Kampwirth
LAST 336B Bilingual Indigenous Literatures in the Americas
A study of experimental and hybrid literary texts written both in Spanish and Indigenous languages. This course examines emergent bilingual Indigenous literatures that reach beyond the traditional monolingual paradigm of literary studies, unveiling their authors' transcultural disposition and translingual practice in the process of creative writing. It also argues that bilingual Indigenous literatures in the Americas merit recognition amongst canonical Latin American literatures. There are two sections of this course, organized geographically: A) South America and B) Central America and Mexico. Students may take either section for 1.0 credit or register for both sections for 2.0 credits. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 235 or any SPAN 230A-E or permission of instructor; Cross Listing: SPAN 336B; J. Noriega
LAST 337 Hispanic American Fiction of Fantasy
This course will investigate the development of the Hispanic American short story of fantasy, addressing such literary themes as: the fantastic, magic realism, doubles, dreams, metaphysics, and notions of time. Course readings will include essays and stories by Jorge Luis Borges, his main precursors and followers, and critical articles. Taught in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 235; Cross Listing: SPAN 337; J. Miner
LAST 339 Hispanic Writers in New York
This course examines the relevance of literary works written by Hispanic writers living in New York from 1880 to 2020 who discuss the impact of their displacement. It examines how Hispanics have helped shape the cultural identity of New York and how, simultaneously, the influence of this cosmopolitan city has transformed the work of its newcomers into a modern and international masterpiece. From the perspective of transatlantic and interdisciplinary studies, the class discussions promote dialogue beyond borders with dialogues on America and Europe, Spanish and English, literature and architecture, journalism, photography, fine arts, and travel, within the context of global, multicultural, and transnational communities. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 235 or any SPAN 230A-E or permission of instructor; Cross Listing: SPAN 339; J. Noriega
LAST 345 Crime and Policing in Latin America
From San Salvador to Rio de Janeiro and from Mexico City to Bogota, a number of Latin American cities now frequently proclaim themselves to be "the most violent city in the world." In this course, we examine the recent wave of violence perpetrated by non-, para-, and state actors in Latin America through an ethnographic perspective and place these ethnographies into conversation with social scientific approaches to crime, violence, and human rights. Examining law breaking in the 21st century provides a lens through which to work through the meanings of states, citizenship, and identity. In this context, we ask: What constitutes criminal activity and who decides the answer to this question? How and when does crime threaten the state? What is the relationship between the violence of state and non-state actors? How can we rethink globalization through the lens of criminal activity? Readings will examine the experience of crime in post-Civil War San Salvador, criminality resulting from the securitization of the U.S.-Mexico border, the mirroring of criminal and state enterprises in Brazil, and surveillance technologies in Mexico City. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing and 2 courses in ANSO, or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ANSO 345; J. Rubin
LAST 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)
Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff
LAST 355 Developing Story-Telling in the Spanish-Speaking World
A study of orality and literacy as complementary techniques that narrate the process of modernization within the Spanish-Speaking World. Special attention is given to the complex and intriguing development from story-telling to story-writing, and even to story-telling again. An analysis of selected colonial, modern, and contemporary stories from Spain and Latin America reveals that the metropolitan-dependence model embraced by many modern travelers and writers is an echo of the former storytelling experience of servants and messengers interacting with their masters prior to the 19th Century. Differences in cultural frameworks between Europe and America use of traditionally-delivered letters and baggage as a kind of "traveling metaphor" is also examined. Further analysis then traces how the colonial sender and receiver turn into elite readers within the modern literary network. Prerequisite(s): SPAN 235 or any SPAN 230A-E or permission of the instructor; J. Noriega
LAST 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)
Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Latin American Studies not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff
LAST 399 Independent Research in Latin American Studies (1/2 or 1)
An independent study course in which, under the direction of a faculty member, students conduct research on a Latin American topic in history/social science or the humanities. Through the development of the capstone research project, students will deepen their understanding of a question in Latin American Studies of their choosing. As part of the research process, students will submit a formal proposal, review and analyze specialized bibliographical sources, generate a hypothesis, and then present conclusions in a final paper responding to the feedback of the faculty member. Offered annually; Staff
LAST 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)
See College Honors Program. Staff