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Todd Heidt
Associate Professor in Modern Languages-German; Chair of International Studies
2 East South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401-4999
IS 100 Introduction to Globalization
IS 100 introduces students to the structures and processes of globalization. IS 100 is an interdisciplinary course that builds on maps, both concrete and metaphorical, as a means to understand these processes. Vigorous discussion of prominent writings and contemporary examples of globalization will cover physical, environmental, historical, political, economic, social and cultural perspectives on the global system. IC; PI; J. Anderson
IS 152 Dungeons, Dragons, and Deutsch: The Roots of German Fantasy
In this course, students encounter dragons, heroes, gods, oaths, and courtly love, following the early roots of these themes into their modern depictions and usage today. Drawing on their experience with modern fantasies, the Dungeons and Dragons roleplaying game, and renaissance faires, students delve into the roots of the fantasy genre with Middle High German epics, lyric poetry, songs, and short stories. Additional materials from the French and English epic traditions will also be incorporated and students will discover the history of the texts� dissemination into their relevant contexts. In each unit students will navigate the texts in translation, draw connections between the Medieval referents and the modern adaptations, and then creatively incorporate the themes, characters, topics, and lessons of the literature into modern projects. These projects include but are not limited to: creating Dungeons and Dragons character sheets, assisting in developing a D&D world and/or campaign, developing a theatrical adaptation, writing knightly codes of conduct, and comparing modern fantasy stories with their Middle High German referrents. This course is taught in English. Cross Listing: GERM 152; IC; B. Wilcox
IS 200 International Service Seminar (1/2)
The International Service Seminar provides students the opportunity to examine issues in global international service initiatives from three interrelated perspectives. First, students will develop a framework from which to understand the rationale and necessity of developing international service initiatives for the well-being of a region, nation state, or specific group of persons. Second, these perspectives will be used to consider specific international service initiatives conceived for and implemented in a variety of contexts (e.g., the Peace Corps; American Red Cross; religious, health, and educational organizations). Finally, the effects of international service initiatives upon their intended constituencies (e.g., cultural imperialism, self determination, continuity of impact, professionalism) will be examined. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Staff
IS 240 , 241 Japan Term I and II (1/2)
An interdisciplinary study-travel program in Japan. During the Fall Term, participants will develop individual research/study projects in conjunction with other Japan-related courses on campus. Travel to Japan during the December Break will combine group activities and individual projects. Participants will complete their research projects during the winter term seminar. Prerequisite(s): prior or concurrent enrollment in a Japanese language course, HIST 242, and PHIL 114 or 205; or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: ASIA 240; IS 240 is IMMR; N. Hayashi; W. Young; J. Dahl
IS 241 (1/2)
Cross Listing: ASIA 243;
IS 263 Global Migration
In recent years, profound changes in the global economy, climate change, and transnational politics have culminated in large movements of people in almost every region. This course examines how people experience displacement, migration, and statelessness; how home, community and belonging are reconstituted both in exile and through the making of diaspora communities. We will also pursue related questions about how international laws, national policies, and practices of social exclusion or inclusion influence the broader context of migration. How do population movements affect politics at the international, regional, and local levels � and vice versa? In what ways are relations of kinship, family, and gender being reformulated in response to transnational movements? Reading materials will include ethnographic studies of migrant and diaspora communities, policy reports on the international refugee regime, literary works produced by migrant authors, and a sampling of mainstream media reporting on immigration in the US and around the globe. Cross Listing: ANSO 263; M. Ran-Rubin
IS 282 Language and Social Identity
This course explores the study of language and its relationships to individual, ethnic, and national identities. We consider selected cases, examining the political, economic, and other sociocultural factors which shape patterns of language loyalties, language use, and language policies. Since the power of various major languages to evoke loyalty and to advance the interests of certain social groups crosses international boundaries, we examine some of the processes involved in the spread of world languages, particularly English. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing; Cross Listing: ANSO 282; offered fall term; J. Anderson
IS 335 Contemporary Europe, Migration and Refugees
In this course, students primarily explore the post-WWII European history, culture, and politics in the face of mass migration, refugee crises, displacement, and increasing nationalism and racism as they are transferred and shown in literature. Students first examine the historical contexts of migration and refugee crises to gain perspective for the later texts. An initial focus is on the literary representations of immigrants and refugees in different genres both by European and non-European authors. There is also a focus on the cinematic representations of immigrants and refugees both in documentary and feature films. Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: GERM 335; T. Heidt; staff
IS 390 Senior Capstone (1/2 or 1)
Independent study of a topic related to globalization, its causes, its effects and/or its nature. The project will include non-English language research, draw on international experiences, make use of social sciences methodologies learned in the core courses, and will be custom-tailored to the student's academic interests by relying at least in part on the student's three-course thematic cluster. Students should identify a mentoring faculty member late in the junior year and conduct the project during a the senior year. Independent Study. Can be completed over two terms as two half-credit courses or in one term for a full credit. Staff