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Classics Courses

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Hilary Lehmann

Chair & Associate Professor of Classics

2 East South Street

Galesburg, IL 61401



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Ford Center for the Fine Arts

CLAS 104 The Ancient Mediterranean World

Ancient civilizations through the fall of Rome. Cross Listing: HIST 104; IC, SA; D. Fatkin

CLAS 110 History of Ancient Greece

This class explores the events of ancient Greek history and the achievements of Greek civilization. Today, we often look back to ancient Greece, particularly Athens, as the foundation of modern, western culture, but how much do we really know about life in Greece? And why should we care? This class seeks to answer these questions and others as we examine the history of ancient Greek cities, their institutions, and cultural achievements. Chronologically, we cover the Bronze Age to the Classical period. This class includes the traditional military and political history of ancient Greece, but we also learn about ancient Greek society as a whole and consider the cultural foundation of ancient life. By the end of this class, students should understand both the overall shape of ancient Greek history and culture, and how historians know what they know about the ancient Greek past. Cross Listing: HIST 110; IC, SA; D. Fatkin; M. Parks

CLAS 111 History of Ancient Rome

Roman culture and society from Romulus and Remus (753 BCE) through Marcus Aurelius (180 CE). This course calls upon both literary and visual texts to trace the development of Roman social and cultural institutions from the city's beginnings as a small settlement on the Tiber to its dominance over the Mediterranean world. Cross Listing: HIST 111; IC, SA; D. Fatkin

CLAS 202 Greek Art and Architecture

Greek vase-painting, sculpture, and temple-architecture are surveyed with attention to style and chronology as well as to the political, social and intellectual contexts in which the works were created. Cross Listing: ART 202; IC; H. Lehmann

CLAS 203 Classical Mythology

This course introduces students to the myths of ancient Greece and Rome. These stories are, on the surface, thrilling tales about gods and heroes, but they are also windows into how these ancient cultures confronted the physical and social worlds: we will examine, for example, how social identities such as woman and man, citizen and slave, foreigner and native, were variously reinforced and contested through the medium of myth. In addition to becoming literate in classical mythology, which still forms the basis of countless films, novels, television shows, games, and comic books, students will also learn some of the fundamentals of ancient history and culture. Cross Listing: RELS 203; IC; PI; Offered annually, term is not regular; Staff

CLAS 204 Roman Art and Architecture

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Roman art - sculpture, painting, architecture and minor arts - from the time of the Etruscans through the era of Constantine (c. 1000 BCE - c. 400 CE), with particular attention given to the relationship between Roman art and society. Among other topics, we will study the impact of both Etruscan and Greek art and architecture on that of the Romans, Augustan Rome, the houses and paintings preserved in Pompeii, Roman architecture and the projection of Roman imperial power, sexuality in Roman art, art and architecture in the Roman provinces and the era of Constantine and the shift to Christianity. Cross Listing: ART 204; Offered occasionally; Staff

CLAS 232 Early Christian Texts

This course introduces students to formative texts in early Christianity, including texts of the New Testament as well as non-canonical texts. We will situate these texts in their own historical moment, considering them within Hellenistic Judaism and the Greco-Roman world. Diverse portrayals of the life and teaching of Jesus will emerge, and we will analyze ways that variety extends to the teachings of his followers. This course will also introduce modern methods of interpreting the Bible, including reading the New Testament in terms of postcolonialism, gender, sexuality, disability, and empire, in addition to historical and literary approaches. This course considers the different questions each scholarly method asks of a text, and the tools it uses to answer them. This course will familiarize students with the history and literary types of early Christianity, as well as different approaches to interpretation in the interest of equipping students for knowledgeable and respectful dialogue about the Bible. SA, IC; S. Harris

CLAS 248 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

CLAS 270 Greek Philosophy

The development of Greek philosophy from its origins in the pre-Socratic fragments through Sophists to the major systematic works of Plato and Aristotle. Special attention is given to the enduring character of the topics raised in ancient philosophy; namely the nature of reality, the definition of the Good, the apprehension of beauty, and the basis for social and political life. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing or permission of the instructor; Cross Listing: PHIL 270; IC; Offered alternate years; B. Polite

CLAS 273 Topics in Greek and Roman Culture

Topics vary from year to year. Courses recently taught under this rubric include "Greek and Roman Romance Novels"; "The Classical World of Harry Potter"; "Greek and Roman Sexualities". May be repeated for credit on different topics. Staff

CLAS 295 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Courses offered occasionally to students in special areas of Classics not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

CLAS 299 Classics Workshop

This course is designed for Classics students. It introduces students to a range of theoretical approaches, source material, professional writing in the field (journal articles), and bibliographical resources. Brief in-class presentations and final research paper are required. Prerequisite(s): At least one course in Latin or Greek at the 200 or 300 level, or permission of the instructor; Offered occasionally; Staff

CLAS 301 Roman Imperialism in Comparative Perspective

In this seminar, students learn details about the history and administrative structure of the Roman empire through examination of case studies. The course focuses on understanding the nature and scope of Roman imperialism by comparing it to other empires. Students engage in independent research and complete a term paper. Prerequisite(s): HIST 285; HIST 104 and/or HIST 201 strongly encouraged; Cross Listing: HIST 301; W; D. Fatkin

CLAS 341 Early Political Thought: Justice, Virtue, Democracy

This course examines political theories from the remote past and invites students to consider their influence in the present. Greek theorists such as Thucydides, Plato, and Aristotle are read as examples of pre-modern thought. This course strikes a balance between understanding these works within their historical context and applying their ideas to circumstances beyond the authors' imagining. Prerequisite(s): Any PS or CLAS course; sophomore standing recommended; Cross Listing: PS 341;PS 341; Offered alternate years; T. Bell; M. Parks

CLAS 348 Teaching Assistant (1/2 or 1)

Prerequisite(s): Permission of instructor; May be graded S/U at instructor's discretion; Staff

CLAS 373 Topics in Greek and Roman Culture

See description for CLAS 273. Prerequisite(s): sophomore standing, previous coursework in classics, or permission of instructor; Staff

CLAS 389 Collaborative Research

This course enables a student to participate in a collaborative research experience on some aspect of the ancient world. Students enrolling in this course meet approximately once per week with the members of a regularly-scheduled course in Latin or ancient Greek, which determines the topic of the research experience. Students also meet separately with the instructor to pursue structured independent work related to the topic. No experience in Latin or ancient Greek is required. To determine the topic, consult the schedule to identify which LAT or GRK course meets concurrently with this one; contact the instructor to learn more and for permission to enroll. Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor; M. Parks; H. Lehmann

CLAS 390 Research Paper (.0)

Majors must complete a substantial research paper, using both primary and secondary sources, in a course in Latin, Greek, or Classics. The paper must be approved by the supervising instructor and by the chair of the department, who issues a grade of "P" for the 0-credit CLAS 390 course. An Honors project in Latin, Greek, or Classics may be used to fulfill this requirement. Staff

CLAS 395 Special Topics (1/2 or 1)

Course offered occasionally to students in special areas of Classics not covered in the usual curriculum. Staff

CLAS 400 Advanced Studies (1/2 or 1)

See College Honors Program. Staff

Students in a greek class examine ancient books in Seymour Library.
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Printed on Thursday, October 24, 2024