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What Students Say


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Galesburg, IL 61401




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Take a cue from your future peers. Nobody knows Knox better than our students. Here's a brief sampling of some of the things they have to say about Knox.

“Knox has been a place where I have been able to speak up freely, have dialogue sessions with my friends, and just learn so much more about other cultures that I wasn’t aware of earlier. Knox gave me a different route and brought out the best in me.”
-Shuchita Poddar ’22, Creative Writing major

“I was in Repertory Theatre Term my sophomore year—it was an amazing experience, and it was really fun making theatre and live performances with my friends.”
-Olive Colangelo ’21, Environmental Science and Biology majors

“Knox is an incredibly art-oriented school. Students really care about the stuff that they’re creating, and not only do they express themselves, they collaborate in that expression. If you’re interested in creating an album, organizing your own dance, or writing a play that will eventually be performed, I guarantee you, you will find students who are interested in working on that project with you.”
-Sam Beem ’20, Music and Anthropology & Sociology majors

“The home game atmosphere is great—a lot of the alumni come out, a lot of the people around and in Galesburg. We have people that come to every game and we know them on a first-name basis, just because they come to see us play. Students also come out to support, the atmosphere is great.”
-Jordan Rayner ’21, Business & Management major

“I’ve been able to forge relationships with faculty, classmates, and staff. It’s beautiful coming to campus where I knew no one. It was my first time out of my country, it was the first time in the United States, and Knox became a home for me. These relationships, these individuals, these people, they support me to become better, to become a better version of myself, and I’m grateful for that opportunity. These people, these relationships, and Knox as a whole will forever be a part of my life.”
-Bamise Afolabi ’21, Biology major and Psychology minor

“Knox is a place where you can make things happen. If you see a club that you would like to bring back, or something that you would like to exist, you can find a few people who are similarly passionate. It’s really easy, and you can make things happen. I’ve seen it happen a couple of times, and it’s really beautiful.”
-Maggie Garrett ’22, Biology major and Chemistry and Creative Writing minors

“Knox gives me the opportunity to pursue things that I’m interested in without pursuing them educationally as a major. I also really like athletics, but I am not on an athletic team, so I am able to join intramural sports or just join little get-togethers with people playing sports here and there.” 
-Abbi Harb ’22, Anthropology & Sociology major

“I love Knox for its diversity. When it was time for me to decide what college I wanted to go to, Knox stood out the most because the school was very diverse in its students and its faculty. We have students from all over the world who come to Knox to get an education.”
-Vanessa Jackson ’23, Political Science and African Studies majors   

“Our alumni are really generous and really great, there’s always opportunities for networking. Alumni who have gone on to be the premier programmers of Amazon. It’s interesting how far the Knox community really spreads, you don’t realize how many Knox alumni are out there.”
-Alyx Farris ’21, Art History major

“There is a lot of opportunity present for research and independent studies, and it gives you a way to pursue some academic interests that might not have a course directly offered at Knox.”
-Arsalan Najeeb ’20, Business & Management and Computer Science majors

“I love the professors at Knox. Everyone here is so understanding and willing to give you any help you need to pass the classes, especially in the creative writing department. So if you like to write, take a class!”
-Kamille Sloane ’23, Creative Writing major

“Knox feels like home. I live far away—I’m from California, and out of all the schools that I visited, Knox really felt like a second home to me.”
-Thao Luong ’23, Biochemistry major and Health Studies and French minors 

“I feel like one of the luckiest undergrads in the world. I feel like I’ve been able to be a part of some really meaningful projects here at Knox. I feel very nurtured here just by meeting professors and working with professors who really treat me like an equal and give me a lot of responsibility. I have been able to do work that feels really meaningful before I’ve even graduated. I’ve been so lucky for that.”  
-Lily Lauver ’21, English Literature and Creative Writing majors

“I appreciate Knox for a lot of reasons, but the biggest reason why I really love Knox is because Knox has allowed me to really be myself and feel comfortable being myself.” 
-Jonathan Doriscar ’22, Psychology and Anthropology & Sociology majors and Self-Designed minor

“As a student-athlete, I have a great support system with my teammates, while also having the time to explore clubs and organizations which is something D3 Athletics truly prides themselves on. You have the ability to join different clubs and focus on your academics while also being an elite athlete.”
-Olivia Grierson ’22, Integrative Business & Management and Psychology majors

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Printed on Sunday, February 16, 2025