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Knox College

Office of Admission

Know Any Future Knoxies?

This summer, we've reached out to Knox alumni to help us recruit the next class of students. Now, we'd like to ask for your assistance, too.

If you know someone who strikes you as fundamentally Knox-ish, please let us know. It doesn't matter whether they're your own family members, or neighbors, or the children of your friends, or even just casual acquaintances with whom you have dependably interesting conversations. All that matters is that you see the curiosity and imagination in them that a place like Knox can help them develop into a lifelong passion.

Whether they're in high school or at college and considering a transfer, if they decide to apply to Knox, we'll waive the usual $50 application fee based on your good word.


 Paul Steenis
Paul Steenis '85
Dean of Admission

Recommend a student | 800-678-KNOX

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